Quiz 1

What percentage of adults
aged 75 and older
experience hearing loss?
Although hearing loss can occur at any age, the prevalence of hearing loss is highest among older adults. This can be due to factors such as genetics, long-term noise exposure, and certain other health conditions.* If you are over the age of 60 and it has been a while since your last hearing test, reach out and schedule a comprehensive hearing test with a licensed hearing care professional even if you do not believe that you have difficulty hearing.

At what percent do
your ears hear while
you are sleeping?
Your ears are always turned on! During light sleep, our brains can still process sounds and words from the environment. In deeper sleep, our brains process sounds less, but can still alert us when there is an unfamiliar sound in our environment.* For example, the hum of an A/C turning on or highway noise is something we may get used to during sleep, but sounds like a child getting out of bed or an emergency siren nearby can wake us from deep sleep.

*Hayat, H., Marmelshtein, A., Krom, A.J. et al. Reduced neural feedback signaling despite robust neuron and gamma auditory responses during human sleep. Nat Neurosci 25, 935-943 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41593-022-01107-4

How many people report
being satisified with the
hearing aids that they
purchased through a
hearing care professional?
Driving satisfaction, today's hearing aids are equipped with state-of-the-art technology including directional microphones, background noise reduction, feedback cancellation, and streaming capabilities, to name a few. A hearing care professional can fully customize your hearing aids to your unique hearing and lifestyle needs. Plus, hearing aid satisfaction ranks ahead of consumer electronics including cell phones (81%), personal computers (80%), and televisions (81%).**

* Powers TA, Carr K. MarkeTrak 2022: Navigating the changing landscape of hearing healthcare. Hearing Review. 2022;29(5):12-17.
**2023 data from the American Customer Satisfaction Index.

All of the bones
in your ear could
fit on a:
Dime, Quarter
Penny, Quarter
Dime, Penny, Quarter
None of the above
The smallest bones in your body are found in your inner ear! The malleus, incus, and stapes bones are a vital component to capturing vibration from the eardrum and transferring that vibration to the cochlea where movement is transformed into electric signals sent to the brain.

Who is twice
as likely to
have hearing loss?
It is theorized that higher prevalence of hearing loss in men is due to traditional work environments with loud noise such as careers in the military, jobs in construction or industrial settings, and recreational activities associated with loud noise. But hearing loss affects all ages and demographics, so it's important to get your hearing checked regularly. *University of Florida (2020). 'Why Is Hearing Loss More Common in Men Than Women?'.

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